unidec.modules.gui_elements package¶
unidec.modules.gui_elements.CDMenu module¶
- class unidec.modules.gui_elements.CDMenu.CDMenu(parent, config, pres, tabbed, htmode=False)¶
- add_to_recent(file_path)¶
- load_example_data(pos)¶
Menu function to adjust the intensity scale. :param event: wx Event :return: None
Menu function to adjust the intensity scale. :param event: wx Event :return: None
- on_custom_defaults(e)¶
- on_defaults(e)¶
Resets the configuration to a default predefined in the unidecstructure file. :param e: Menu event :return: None
- on_example_data(e)¶
- on_reset(event)¶
- update_recent()¶
unidec.modules.gui_elements.CDWindow module¶
- class unidec.modules.gui_elements.CDWindow.CDMainwindow(parent, title, config, iconfile=None, tabbed=None, htmode=False)¶
Main UniDec GUI Window.
- setup_main_panel()¶
Lays Out Main Panel. Binds some functions to presenter. :return: None
unidec.modules.gui_elements.CD_controls module¶
- class unidec.modules.gui_elements.CD_controls.main_controls(parent, config, pres, panel, iconfile, htmode=False)¶
- bind_changes(e=None)¶
- expand_list(list)¶
- export_gui_to_config(e=None)¶
Exports parameters from the GUI to the config object. :return: None
- import_config_to_gui()¶
Imports parameters from the config object to the GUI. :return: None
- on_b_select(e)¶
- on_check_smash(e)¶
Checks the configuration to see if values for noise smashing are set. If they are not, it opens the window to set the smash assignments. :param e: Dummy wx event passed on. :return: None
- on_collapse_all(e=None)¶
- on_expand_all(e=None)¶
- on_expand_blue(e=None)¶
- on_expand_main(e=None)¶
- on_expand_red(e=None)¶
- on_expand_yellow(e=None)¶
- on_m_smooth(e)¶
- on_mousewheel(e)¶
- on_p_select(e)¶
- on_z_smooth(e)¶
- setup_tool_tips()¶
Sets Tool Tips for items on the Main Panel :return: None
- update_demultiplex_mode(e=None)¶
- update_prethresh(e)¶
- update_quick_controls(e=None)¶
unidec.modules.gui_elements.ChromWindow module¶
- class unidec.modules.gui_elements.ChromWindow.ChromDropTarget(window)¶
- OnDropFiles(x, y, filenames)¶
When files are dropped, either open a single file or run in batch.
- class unidec.modules.gui_elements.ChromWindow.ChromWindow(parent, title, config=None, iconfile=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
- clear_plots(e=None)¶
- export_gui_to_config()¶
- on_motion(xpos, ypos)¶
Triggered by pubsub from plot windows. Reports text in Status Bar. :param xpos: x position fed from event :param ypos: y position fed from event :return: None
unidec.modules.gui_elements.HTCD_ListCtrls module¶
- class unidec.modules.gui_elements.HTCD_ListCtrls.ListCtrlPanel(parent, pres, size=(200, 400))¶
- get_selected()¶
- on_popup_eleven(event)¶
- on_popup_five(event)¶
- on_popup_four(event)¶
- on_popup_one(event)¶
- on_popup_seven(event=None)¶
Spawns a dialog for the first selected item to select the color. Redraws the list control with the new colors and then triggers an EVT_DELETE_SELECTION_2. :param event: Unused Event :return: None
- on_popup_six(event=None)¶
- on_popup_ten(event=None)¶
- on_right_click(event)¶
unidec.modules.gui_elements.PlotControlsPanel module¶
- class unidec.modules.gui_elements.PlotControlsPanel.PlotControlWindow(parent, *args, **kwargs)¶
Test window for PlotControlsPanel
- makeplot()¶
- on_update_plot_params(event=None, stylefile=None)¶
- class unidec.modules.gui_elements.PlotControlsPanel.PlotControlsPanel(parent, pres, config=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
- get_values_from_gui(event=None)¶
- on_apply(event=None)¶
- set_values_to_gui(event=None)¶
- unidec.modules.gui_elements.PlotControlsPanel.export_mplstyle(params, filename='unidec.mplstyle')¶
unidec.modules.gui_elements.mainwindow_base module¶
- class unidec.modules.gui_elements.mainwindow_base.MainwindowBase(parent, title, config, iconfile=None, tabbed=None)¶
Main UniDec GUI Window.
- bind_peakpanel(meta=False)¶
Bind peakpanel events to presenter functions. :return:
- clear_all_plots(flag=0)¶
Clear All Plots :return: None
- clear_plots(flag=0)¶
- export_gui_to_config()¶
- import_config_to_gui()¶
- launch()¶
- onFocus(event)¶
- onIdle(event)¶
On Idle, check if a resize has occured
- onResize(event)¶
On resize, replot the data
- on_about(e)¶
Displays message about program :param e: :return:
- on_defaults(e)¶
- on_exit(e=None)¶
Exit the Program :param e: Dummy wx event :return: None
- on_motion(xpos, ypos)¶
Triggered by pubsub from plot windows. Reports text in Status Bar. :param xpos: x position fed from event :param ypos: y position fed from event :return: None
- on_open_dir(e)¶
- on_save_figure_dialog(e)¶
Open dialog box to set the parameters for figure type, size, and path to save. :param e: Dummy wx event :return: None
- on_save_figure_eps(e)¶
Save all figures as EPS :param e: Dummy wx event :return: None
- on_save_figure_pdf(e)¶
Saves all figures as PDF :param e: Dummy wx event :return: None
- on_save_figure_png(e, **kwargs)¶
Save all figures as PNG :param e: Dummy wx event :param kwargs: keywards to pass to matplotlib savefig :return: None
- on_save_figure_small(e)¶
Preset to shrink figures to 4.5 in by 3 in and save as PDF. :param e: Dummy wx event :return: None
- reset_zoom(e=None)¶
Reset zoom on all plots. :param e: wx Event :return: None
- resize()¶
- save_all_figures(extension, extension2='', e=0, header=None, **kwargs)¶
Save All of the Figures. Will name as header+extension2+_FigureX.+exetension :param extension: Figure type (pdf, eps, png). Anything accepted by matplotlib :param extension2: Additional text to include in the figure header. :param e: Dummy wx Event :param header: Option to add different header. Default of none yields self.outfname as the path header :param kwargs: Any keywards to pass to the matplotlib savefig command such as Transparent or DPI :return: figureflags, files (the figures that were successfully saved and the files that they were saved to)
- setup_shortcuts(keys)¶
Setup shortcuts in GUI. Binds key combinations to functions in presenter (self.pres) :return: None
- shrink_all_figures(figsize=None, rect=None)¶
Shrinks all figures to the size specified in self.figsize :return: A list of plot objects that we shrunk
- shrink_figure(plot, figsize=None, rect=None)¶
Automatically shrinks the plot to a figure size in inches set in self.figsize. :param plot: Plot object to shrink :return: None
unidec.modules.gui_elements.peaklistsort module¶
- class unidec.modules.gui_elements.peaklistsort.PeakListCtrlPanel(parent, meta=False, size=(300, 1100), isodec=False)¶
Creates a list control panel for displaying and interacting with Peaks object
- GetListCtrl()¶
- add_data(pks, show='area', collab1='Mass (Da)')¶
Add data from a Peaks object to the list_ctrl :param pks: Peaks object :param show: Keyword describing what to show in column 1
area = p.area integral = p.integral diff = p.diff
- Parameters:
collab1 – Column 1 label
- Returns:
- clear_list()¶
Remove all elements from list_ctrl :return: None
- fix_text_color()¶
- on_column_click(event)¶
- on_popup_color_peaks(event=None)¶
Gets the selected items and adds it self.selection2. Triggers EVT_COLOR_PEAKS. :param event: :return:
- on_popup_color_peaks_all(event=None)¶
Gets the selected items and adds it self.selection2. Triggers EVT_COLOR_PEAKS. :param event: :return:
- on_popup_consec_diff(e=None)¶
- on_popup_eight(event=None)¶
Hides the error stuff brought up by on_popup_seven :param event: :return:
- on_popup_eleven(event=None)¶
Gets the selected items and adds it self.selection2. Triggers EVT_MASSES. :param event: :return:
- on_popup_five(event=None)¶
Spawns a dialog for the first selected item to select the color. Redraws the list control with the new colors and then triggers an EVT_DELETE_SELECTION_2. :param event: Unused Event :return: None
- on_popup_four(event=None)¶
Gets the selected items and adds it self.selection2. Triggers EVT_CHARGE_STATE. :param event: :return:
- on_popup_image(e=None)¶
- on_popup_label_areas_all(event=None)¶
Gets the selected items and adds it self.selection2. Triggers EVT_AREAS. :param event: :return:
- on_popup_label_areas_select(event=None)¶
Gets the selected items and adds it self.selection2. Triggers EVT_AREAS. :param event: :return:
- on_popup_label_names_all(event=None)¶
Gets the selected items and adds it self.selection2. Triggers EVT_NAMES. :param event: :return:
- on_popup_label_names_select(event=None)¶
Gets the selected items and adds it self.selection2. Triggers EVT_NAMES. :param event: :return:
- on_popup_nine(e=None)¶
Changes the marker
- on_popup_one(event=None)¶
The selected peaks are added to self.selection and deleted. For each delete peak, p.ignore is set to 1. Triggers EVT_DELETE_SELECTION_2. :param event: Unused Event :return: None
- on_popup_rename(e=None)¶
- on_popup_scorecolor(e=None)¶
- on_popup_seven(event=None)¶
Replaces the third and fourth columns with the FWHM and mean errors. :param event: :return:
- on_popup_six(event=None)¶
Triggers EVT_DIFFERENCES. The first selected item becomes the reference mass. The difference between all masses and the reference mass is calculated and displayed in column 3. :param event: Unused Event :return: None
- on_popup_ten(event=None)¶
Gets the selected items and adds it self.selection2. Triggers EVT_MASSES. :param event: :return:
- on_popup_three(event=None)¶
Repopulates the list control with all elements in self.pks.peaks. :param event: Unused event :return: None
- on_popup_twelve(e=None, type='Basic')¶
- on_popup_twelve_full(e=None)¶
- on_popup_two(event=None)¶
The selected peaks are added to self.selection. All other peaks are deleted form list ctrl and p.ignore for each is set to 1. Triggers EVT_DELETE_SELECTION_2. :param event: Unused Event :return: None
- on_right_click(event=None)¶
Spawn right click menu :param event: Unused Event :return: None
- class unidec.modules.gui_elements.peaklistsort.SelectMarker(*args, **kwargs)¶
- initialize_interface(pks, index)¶
- Returns:
- on_close(e)¶
Close the window. :param e: Event :return: None
- unidec.modules.gui_elements.peaklistsort.tofloat(string)¶
unidec.modules.gui_elements.ud_controls module¶
- class unidec.modules.gui_elements.ud_controls.main_controls(parent, config, pres, panel, iconfile)¶
- bind_changes(e=None)¶
- export_gui_to_config(e=None)¶
Exports parameters from the GUI to the config object. :return: None
- import_config_to_gui()¶
Imports parameters from the config object to the GUI. :return: None
- on_b_select(e)¶
- on_backcheck(e)¶
- on_check_manual(e)¶
Checks the configuration to see if values for manual mode are set. If they are not, it opens the window to set the manual assignments. :param e: Dummy wx event passed on. :return: None
- on_check_smash(e)¶
Checks the configuration to see if values for noise smashing are set. If they are not, it opens the window to set the smash assignments. :param e: Dummy wx event passed on. :return: None
- on_collapse_all(e=None)¶
- on_double_dec(e)¶
Sets the DoubleDec flag in the config to the appropriate value :param e: Dummy wx event. Unused. :return: None
- on_expand_all(e=None)¶
- on_expand_blue(e=None)¶
- on_expand_main(e=None)¶
- on_expand_red(e=None)¶
- on_expand_yellow(e=None)¶
- on_m_smooth(e)¶
- on_mass_list(e)¶
Checks the configuration to see if values for the mass list are set. If they are not, it opens the window to set the mass list. :param e: Dummy wx event passed on. :return: None
- on_mousewheel(e)¶
- on_open_kernel(e)¶
Opens a kernel file and saves the path in the config. The button text is also updated to match. Note that the user is supposed to select the raw m/z file–the corresponding mass file will be found if it exists. This way, possible file naming issues are avoided. :param e: Triggering event. Unused. :return: None
- on_p_select(e)¶
- on_pw_check(e)¶
- on_z_smooth(e)¶
- setup_tool_tips()¶
Sets Tool Tips for items on the Main Panel :return: None
- update_quick_controls(e=None)¶